Middle Dune Contouring

A large barrier fence was erected at the end of Moana Rua Road last week 13th September, and new signs were erected to alert the public to keep out. However there are no signs at the beach entry points that are accessible by people at the St Clair or St Kilda ends.

Above when the new fence was erected I tried to photograph it, but it was night time.. previously the only sign up to warn the public was the one (above left) advising to take care of the planted native pikao. Also above left: a damaged fence obstructs a public access way to the beach.

Above: Recontouring of the dunes to skim off the top of the unstable fill layers making them safer to the public is finally underway. Assuming here that this is just a small portion of what needs to be done to repair the dunes, and there is alot more work to be done.

Above: A section of unstable dune and a section of re-countoured dune, which is still mainly comprised of soil fill material.
Below left: Fill material skimmed off the top of the dunes during re-contouring is stored for removal at Kettle Park Road. Above right: from the beach at St Kilda, partially re-contoured dunes.

Above: pic taken from the end of the Salt Water Pool after the diggers went through taking off the unstable areas and creating a safer slope.
I still feel strongly there needs to be public education via the press and council erected signs on beach level entry points NOT to scale or disturb the dunes. Yesterday there were many people climbing the large sand store pile at Middles and jumping down it.

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