Nikmat Tiada Taranya

Nikmat Tiada Taranya

2/3 dari luas permukaan bumi ini adalah Laut. Coba pikirkan kenapa sampai begitu luas permukaan Laut itu? Mengapa bukan daratan yang lebih l...

yummy dessert ideas for fall

Wickedly Fun Halloween Cupcakes    These cupcake creations are so cute and easy to prepare. Choose your favorite cupcake design here , and y...

lovely, affordable chandeliers & pendants

I have recently discovered a great source for lighting called “ Parrot Uncle ”. They have a huge selection of beautiful lighting fixtures an...

Point No Point

Point No Point is an important landmark - the southernmost of three prominent points that mark the western entrance into Admiralty Inlet and...

glamour shots for Halloween

Set up a spooky Halloween vignette in your home using black and white Hollywood glamour shots in distressed frames.  These pretty  black and...
