The second way we can recognize our spiritual gifts and develop our talents is to:


Some accurately refer to this process as discovering God’s will or “calling” for our lives. Often, Christians agonize as they attempt to discover God’s will in a particular situation or for the direction of their lives in general. But you will realize that in most cases, God’s calling is founded on His Word.

Such calling is then confirmed in the affirmation of godly people in church and the unmistakable confirmation through our fruits or the results of what we do. We should be able to confirm 3 things when we find out our calling. I call this the “Three P’s of Ministry” based on Eph. 4:11-13 and other texts:

1. Our People of ministry to whom we’re called (e.g., Men, Women, Adults, Children, poor, rich, business people, professionals, students, etc.
2. Our Place of ministry (e.g., is it here in Church setting, in campuses, in offices, in the pier, in the camp site, outdoors, in playing field, in the dug out, in the red light district, in downtown, in the prison, etc.) and lastly,
3. Our Position of ministry (i.e., are you called to be a pastor, a teacher, an evangelist, prophet, etc. according to your gift)

In one of my recent conversation with a pastor, I shared with him my ministry and what I do. In a piece of napkin, I drew for Him a cross enumerating my priorities in ministry which I call, "My F.R.A.M.E. of ministry (click picture below for details). He said in response, “That is why I like to talk with you and have this kind of fellowship. I don’t have the training as you do and I definitely need inputs such as this for myself." Then he said "You’re ministry for us pastors is really something that I value and needed. You have the ability to bring and organize people together." Through such words, I feel affirmed that what I do is definitely what God wants me to do. On a personal note, I find a deeper understanding and acceptance to all that I went through in life, knowing and seeing how God has shaped me uniquely for such moments.

May the Lord help you know and understand your personal calling. Do give me a call if you need help in determining your spiritual gift and your calling in ministry. Blessings.

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