Update: September 2011

There has been some erosion of the dune face at various points along the beach due to recent swell activity, mostly in the area located between The Esplanade, St Clair and the Moana Rua Road, St Kilda. Contractors have been instructed to remove overhanging sections of dune in areas where the face has been eroded to prevent clay capping material from falling onto the beach. Due to a lowering of sand levels, the stairway from the gravel track between the St Clair seawall and the tennis courts has been closed and the lower sections removed. This section of track may also be at risk of erosion during a predicted storm event and therefore will be closely monitored and repair works arranged where necessary.

A report outlining the Project Team's preferred management options for the long term coastal protection of Ocean Beach and requesting approval to publicly consult on these options is being presented to the Community Development Committee on 7th September.

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