Tidal chart

We made a basic tidal chart spreadsheet with the predicted tides from stations relatively near each of our monitoring sites. You can find it right here. Thank you to Timothy Thompson for reminding us about it as he mentioned the upcoming high tides.

If you are looking for a specific tide to complete your monitoring or your International Shorebird Survey it may be of use to you. The top 10% of high tides are highlighted for each station so you can be aware of when tides may come in to play as an obstacle for some of the birds and their nests.

Please remember these are only estimates, and that weather conditions such as wind and rain can change them drastically. They are also not exact to the sites and what you see may be timed slightly differently as well.

We are still looking for volunteers to complete some International Shorebird Surveys, and the time to begin them is right now. If you have signed up but have yet to complete a survey and share it with us or are looking to get involved please do so soon.

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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