Help us on Memorial Day weekend

Warm and sunny weather has arrived in Connecticut! With it comes a greater responsibility and need to be out on the beaches monitoring our coastal waterbirds. On holiday weekends, the increase in beach traffic requires more monitoring by staff and volunteers. This is also true for the offshore islands, and it would be great for any of our volunteers with boats or kayaks to be around their local islands this weekend. If you can please find the time to spend even an hour or two on the beach on Memorial Day weekend we would greatly appreciate it. You can go whenever you please, outside of your scheduled monitoring if applicable, and you do not even have to survey for birds or return data if this makes it easier during this extra holiday time and when you may have other plans as well.

We really need eyes and ears on the beaches who can report disturbances, talk to the many beachgoers about the birds, and make sure everything is going well for them. Remember to use the call information on your volunteer ID tags for disturbances of a take level. For other more minor issues please email us at For issues with dogs and possible problems with beachgoers, it is best to contact the police department in the respective town. Even if you are going to report an off-leash dog it is our experience that the best way to do so is to the police department, and not animal control or the dog warden. The police can direct these people to the problems themselves when needed.

Thank you! If you are out on the beach this weekend you may very well see one of our staff members. Please feel free to come up and say hi or ask us any questions.

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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