Helping with fencing removal - precautions

Here is a message CT DEEP wanted us to pass on to those of you assisting with fencing removal at Stratford's Long Beach on 8/13 at 11AM and Milford Point on 8/15 at 11AM. If you assist with other sites later in the season please also remember this information! 

Taking down fencing in August is physically demanding because of the heat and humidity.  Anyone who cannot tolerate working in 85 to 90 degree temperatures may want to reconsider helping, you've helped all season already!  Volunteers who do come should remember a few things;

-wear sunscreen
-drink plenty of water or sports drink
-do not attempt to carry too many stakes, there are enough volunteers so that no one should over-exert themselves
-anyone who needs to limit physical exertion should stick to winding up string rolls
-take as many breaks as needed

Thank you again for all your help and dedication to the success of the plover and tern season in CT!

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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