Last call for information

We are in the beginning stages of data analysis and calculations of number of nests, young birds fledged, total pairs, and so forth for all four of our target species - Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Least Tern, and Common Tern. At this point, we would love to have all of the data and information submitted to us along with the number of hours you have volunteered for the project if you have yet to send it in to us. The more data we have the more accurately we can render these numbers. It also helps us to see which areas of the Connecticut coastline have sufficient (or even more than necessary) coverage in terms of survey efforts, what locations need more of our eyes next season, any beaches particularly affected by disturbances and when, and much more.

All of our numbers have been even better than we anticipated, and I do mean all of them, from the better than average year for Least Terns to the minimal tidal washouts to how many thousands of hours all of our generous and compassionate volunteers helped to make all of this possible. What we hope more than anything is that everyone returns to assist us in 2013 and that we are able to bring even more concerned Connecticut residents into the fold. Throughout the season, more and more people were signing up to become monitors, and presuming this trend continues we will soon have nearly constant coverage in some of the more populated municipalities and a very strong showing in even some of the traditionally quieter spots.

The 2013 schedule is going to be packed with names, and if you know of anyone else who would be interested in aiding coastal waterbirds please let them know to email us at at any time. Friends, relatives, colleagues, those you meet birding or while walking the beach, anyone and everyone of any age or birding skill level would be a great addition to the diverse and expanding ranks. This is a year-round effort and our work to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut will continue nonstop, even as the birds are resting at their wintering grounds.

If you are reading this and want more information about becoming a beach monitor and volunteering for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds please send us an email at now!

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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