Box hunting

I have found far too many valuable pieces of gold and platinum jewelry in all three areas of the beach to only bother searching one area of the beach.  
Many beach hunters are "box hunters" meaning they prefer to only metal detect in the water, the wet sand or only in the dry sand. 
A treasure hunter will leave many valuable targets behind for other beach and shallow water hunters by not searching all three areas on the beach, the shallow water, wet sand and dry sand. 
Strive to be a good all around beach hunter capable of searching and finding treasure where ever that treasure may be on the beach. 
Here are photos of over $12.000.00 worth of diamond rings found on three different areas of the beach, I wager you cannot tell which diamond ring came from the water, the wet sand or the dry sand. 

Now you can see why I like to read the beach and search the most promising looking area after arriving to treasure hunt, not the area I predetermined was the best area before leaving the house. 
Next time you hear people saying that it is all in the water, try to remember the diamonds rings in these photographs. 
Think how many less treasure hunters will be on the beach during a storm,  when most water hunters would rather stay home than search on the beach. 
At high tide, the majority of wet sanders stay at home waiting around until two hours before the low tide before going wet sanding.
Full time dry sanders often use metal detectors that cannot handle the salt water on the lower beach, leaving the wet sand and shallow water undetected.
Avoid "box hunting"and become a master of the whole of the beach, not just one or two parts of it. 

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