Christianity is Becoming Illegal in America

In yesterday's Fox News article, Todd Starnes reported that the U.S. Army labeled a Christian ministry as domestic hate group. The Army classified the American Family Association (AFA) as a domestic hate group because they advocate traditional family values.   Early this year, Starnes also reported of Army briefings where evangelical Christians and Catholics were classified as religious extremists.  This is a huge shift which all Christians ought to take notice and be vigilant about.

I was wondering what could have precipitated such radical view in our armed forces which have been a bastion of conservatism and Christian faith. I mean, can you imagine how absurd this Army incident would have been had the President been a God-fearing man as the founders of this nation were?  Instead, what is clear now is the relentless eradication of Christian values from the public squares, government halls and school rooms for the liberal, godless views.  This seems to make clearer what he talked about in his campaigns to "Fundamentally transform the United States of America."

With the daily bombardment and conditioning of the public by liberal media, I can see the day coming when Christians will no longer be allowed the freedom to speak about traditional Christian values on family, marriage, and homosexuality, even in the pulpits.  Having already made inroads into the Army, it is no longer a far fetched idea to think that Christianity will be deemed illegal in this country soon. Frankly, it feels like all the demons from hell are about to get loose for an open season, with Christians as the game.

The Bible warns of these days: "For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed. . . " (2 Thessalonians 2:7, 8 NLT).  "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers" (Matthew 24:9).

To understand why is this even possible in America, it is enlightening to hear the explanation of one of our prominent theologians, Dr. Norman Geisler in a recent interview during the National Conference on Christian Apologetics hosted by the Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, N.C.:
"We are losing our freedoms because we are losing our Judeo-Christian basis for the freedoms in America. The founding fathers all, without exception, showed an inseparable unity between integrity and liberty, between virtue and our freedoms. Now that we no longer have a Judeo-Christian basis for our country we are realizing that we are losing all our freedoms along with it. 
What then shall Christians do?  Geisler says,
"Our job is to speak to the culture and help re-establish our Judeo-Christian basis or our freedom is going to be swept away.  I can see that Jesus said, be salt, be light, occupy until I come, do good to all men, especially to those in the household of faith – the Bible is filled with commands for us to be in the world, but not of the world to speak to the culture without being of the culture" (Alex Murashko: The Christian Post, Oct. 15, 2013).
Until the church is "taken out of the way" at the coming of our Lord, it is our duty to resist what is of the devil, to do good and make disciples by teaching the people everything that Christ commanded (see Romans 12:17 and Matthew 28:19-20).  


An Invitation

It's just a matter of time before your faith is tested.  If you feel led by the Lord to get deeper in your faith, I would like to invite you through MasterLife, a biblical process for growing disciples.  Please feel free to email me at and I will be happy to help you.

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