“Be a Good Egg” Outreach Program comes to Sandy Point, Long Beach, and West Beach

This summer Audubon Alliance volunteers and technicians will be staffing information booths at Long Beach, Sandy Point, and West Beach (adjacent to the Menunkatesuck sand flats) where Piping Plovers and/or other beach nesting birds are found. By reaching out to visitors to these important bird habitats, the volunteers are playing a key role in increasing community awareness about beach-nesting birds, the threats they face, and how to help them. Beachgoers visiting the booths learn about the birds and their habitat needs and are asked to take the “Be a Good Egg Pledge” to 1) stay outside of string fenced areas, 2) not bring dogs to the beach, and 3) properly dispose of trash.   

The Be a Good Egg program was developed by Audubon North Carolina and comes to CT this summer with support from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund and in partnership with the Stewart B. McKinney NWR and the CT DEEP Wildlife Division. If you’d like to take the pledge, stop by one of the tables on the first or third Saturday or Sunday (just Sandy Point and West Beach) of June, July, and August. The take home pledge card can be downloaded here. If you would like to help staff an info booth, contact IBA Program Coordinator, Corrie Folsom-O’Keefe at cfolsom-okeefe@audubon.org or 203-264-5098 ext. 310.

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