5'10" Andrew Kidman Fish For Sale

But not willingly really. The story is this: Late 2013/early 2014 Mr. Kidman was in the US briefly and decided to shape a very limited run of 10 boards. Most went as customs, a few to the very excellent Pilgrim Surf Supply in Brooklyn and a brace wound up in my hands as the West Coast stock. They arrived in June, literally hours before I left to Europe and so were not immediately documented, and then on returning and settling in again, I started obsessing on just how good this board is. 5'10" x 21" x 2 1/2" Off white/greyish tint. Andrew has immersed himself in the work of the   San Diego masters, Frye & Lis, and has hands on experience with their boards which is so utterly apparent in this craft. Single foil keels, glassed at Faktion in New York. Sum of it's parts most definitely.  The real kicker with this one is that the late great Lou Reed had passed right before Andrew left on his travels, and so each of the New York boards is a tribute to the man with 'RIP Lou' and the title of one of his songs on the stringer. This one? 'Heroin". Yes, I want to keep it really but justifying that is hard, so here it is- up for sale at the price Andrew charges- $1100- with no shipping from Australia issues and one time only. The money will simply go back to Andrew for the next board and the cycle of independent craftsmanship continues. This is good. To enquire or comment, email info @ foamandfunction.com.
Oh- if you click on and enlarge that last pic, it's the dims/stringer info- the details matter....

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