empower yourself

How do we find balance in our lives when as women we are so busy and overwhelmed with everyday commitments? Balance is so important to have in all aspects of our lives especially with family, friends, business, and of course, ourselves.  For me, sometimes (or usually) my requirements are the last ones that get met.  With a husband, four sons, a new daughter-in-law (yay), my mother, 3 dogs, two cats and a household to run, I don’t have time to catch my breath most days. I have recently discovered the Empower Women’s Conference blog, and it has been a real inspiration for me daily.  In a post they recently did on Finding Balance, the writer, Andrea lists a few things to remember throughout our day.  First thing to remember is to turn to your faith.  It does bring inner peace. The second is to remember that it’s ok to say no sometimes.  Don’t over commit yourself.  And remember, none of us is perfect.  As I tell my kids, just remember to do your best!

Setting goals for ourselves is also so important.  Daily goals, weekly goals, yearly goals and lifetime goals are so really something we all need to think about.  Write them out.  Keep them posted at your desk or on your fridge. Keep them private or share with others.  You will be rewarded by the outcome! 

Think about the legacy you are creating for future generations.  What will you be remembered for after you are gone.  I have been actively keeping records of our family’s genealogy for over twenty years, and it’s fascinating to think about what our great grandparents may have been like.  We have some family members that date back to the renaissance period and beyond. The DNA we share with our ancestors really has a big part in forming who we are. Unless we hear stories or have a history told by other family members, we are left only with a few photos, birthdays and anniversaries.  Should we be documenting our own biographies for future generations?   

Being resourceful is an important part of being a good problem solver, and as the Empower Women’s Conference blog states, “don’t create drama or add to the problem.”  Good to remember!   

“Dream up, dream big and set your mind on higher thoughts! Break out of your comfort zone to move your life into your next dream.

The next Empower Women’s Conference, a girlfriend getaway near Palm Springs, is coming up soon!  It’s February 27 through March 1, 2015 in beautiful La Quinta, California.  This year, the conference features five women who dreamed up and found success!  I invite you to visit their site and blog to learn more about this amazing event. 

ciao! Fabiana

{This post is sponsored by Empower Women's Conference, 
however all opinions are genuinely my own.}

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