Children Are People

Forty years ago a Philadelphia congregation watched as three 9-year-old boys were baptized and joined the church. Not long after, unable to continue with its dwindling membership, the church sold the building and disbanded.

One of those boys was Dr. Tony Campolo, author of several books and Christian sociologist at Eastern College, Pennsylvania. Dr. Campolo remembers,

Years later when I was doing research in the archives of our denominations, I decided to look up the church report for the year of my baptism. There was my name, and Dick White's. He's now a missionary. Bert Newman, now a professor of theology at an African seminary, was also there. Then I read the church report for 'my' year: "It has not been a good year for our church. We have lost 27 members. Three joined, and they were only children (Marlene LeFever).

When you look at children in our church today, what do you see? Are they “Only Children”?

There are four common views of children today, according to Larry Fowler (Rock Solid Kids: Gospel Light).

1. The problematic view is that children are “A bother.” Such flawed and erroneous view leads people to consider aborting babies, putting them up for adoption, neglect, abandonment and child abuse. Sadly, this view has crept into churches as well, leading ministers to make activities that are designed mainly just to keep the children away from “major ministries” of the church such as the worship service. To eliminate distractions, ministers make programs done in a haphazard ways. For the best efforts and ministries of the church are given towards the adults ministries. The children, sadly, get the leftovers of our energy, time, and resources.

2. The practical view of children is that they are “A tool,” a means to an end. This view is pretty common around us. Some perverts have used children in child pornography for money. Sadly, parents also often use children as tools. A father may push his child to activities such as in sports or arts to satisfy his own frustrations and personal need for achievement. A mom may manipulate the thoughts and actions of her child to get even with her husband. Again, there are also churches who also know of the potential of children to reach adults to build the church. Though it works, yet such a view is inadequate.

3. The perpetual view is that children are “Our future.” This view is still insufficient because it sees children as a means to an end. However, it is essential for the survival of the family, organization, and definitely of the church. Vladimir Belous was a pastor in Ukraine when the Soviet Union as still existing. He learned of the essential nature of children’s ministry from the communist propaganda. One day, he got hold of a flyer that states: “The real danger from America is not their missiles, but that they are teaching their children about God.” Pastor Belous realized at once that children’s ministry was essential to his church if his church was to survive into the future. Thereon, he established a ministry to children called Awana Club ministry, which was founded in the U.S.

4. The present-perfect view is that children are “People.” This is our Lord Jesus’ view. When the little children were brought to Christ by their parents one day, Jesus stopped from teaching the disciples, picked the children up, placed His hands on them and blessed them (see Mark 10:13-16 NKJV). He gave the children with the same care and importance as He gave the adults. Not only that, He also got very “displeased” with the disciples. He got mad at His disciples for not seeing that the children are also an important and integral part of the Kingdom of God. They’re not future people, not little people, but they are persons in the present that needs respect and attention. This is the perfect view. The Psalmist said this of God:

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
(Psalm 139:13-16 NIV)

God created each child. He knew each child even before the start of conception. Each child has the same importance and value as an adult. He sees all children as people.

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