Disciple Your Child

A speaker conducted a successful seminar he entitled “Rules for Raising Children.” Then he got some kids of his own, and he changed the title to “Suggestions for Raising Children.” When his kids reached their teen years, he discontinued the seminar” ((Michael Hodgin, 1001 Humorous Illustrations for Public Speaking, 344).
  • It always has been God’s plan for parents to serve as the primary spiritual influence on their children.
  • It always has been God’s plan for parents to teach and model Truth to their own children.
  • It always has been God’s plan for parents to turn their hearts toward their children so that warm relationships would provide the pipeline for spiritual impact.

On the other hand, I believe every church leader in the nation knows most church families are not following God’s plan. The stakes are so high that slow change seems unacceptable.

  • Parenting by many church members is done so poorly that very slow change seems unacceptable.
  • Spiritual teaching and influence in many church homes is so weak that very slow improvement seems unacceptable.
  • So few teenagers and collegians are leaving homes with a lifetime, kingdom focus that very slow change seems unacceptable.

Families don’t need incremental change – they need revival! We need to realize that families today are bankrupt spiritually and needs a big bail out, not from the government, but from God. We need a change by getting back to the basics of God’s design for each member of the household. By the power of God, families need dramatic, visible change in a short time. The stakes are too high to remain on the status quo. We can’t remain on business as usual.

Thus we in the church should all bond together to commit to relearn and apply the basic design for families which God gave to us in His Word. This is the reason why an important aspect of our church vision is:

To plant a church in Brandon that equip parents to disciple their children

Tomorrow: Sobering Statistics

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