American Oystercatchers return as well

Single and paired American Oystercatchers are now being seen even more frequently than Piping Plovers in Connecticut, from one end to the other. They've been spotted on Sandy Point in Stonington all the way to Great Captain Island off Greenwich. Many have been seen at some of the best known Piping Plover nesting spots such as Milford Point.

Below you can see a pair at foggy Sandy Point in West Haven this week as photographed by staff member Scott Kruitbosch.

Remember, we would like you to report American Oystercatcher sightings to us as well during your Piping Plover monitoring time in the same way you report them. This is a tremendous help to us and to their conservation in Connecticut. Every time we log a sighting with the details we request we learn a great deal about the species in our state and can work to ensure them a successful breeding season.

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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