USFWS, CT DEEP, & Audubon Alliance training videos

The following videos are only small portions of the three-hour plus Piping Plover monitor training and orientation session conducted by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds on March 10, 2012 at the Coastal Center at Milford Point. They are meant to be used as a part of training future volunteers or those who could not attend the session, but if you are a current monitor you may find it helpful to review them.

The videos are primarily of USFWS Ranger Shaun Roche and Refuge Manager Rick Potvin. You will also see and hear from CT DEEP Supervising Wildlife Biologist Jenny Dickson, Audubon Connecticut IBA Coordinator Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe, and hear Connecticut Audubon Society Conservation Technician Scott Kruitbosch, who was behind the camera.

The first video discusses the job of a volunteer monitor, their role, responsibilities, and some of the legalities pertaining to this service.

The second video details the difference between volunteering some of your time for the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as well as more on your role as an educator on the beach, how to go about that duty, situations to avoid, and how to report incidents or disturbances.

The third video goes further into handling situations on the beach, everything from who to approach or not approach, what to do when you see loose dogs, and what the responsibility of USFWS is to you and the municipality is with respect to their beaches and laws.

While we had a record number of volunteers join us this year, these beach-nesting birds still need more monitors! You can still assist in helping monitor threatened species like the Piping Plover and Least Tern by calling USFWS Ranger Shaun Roche at (860)399-2513 or emailing, or emailing us at We will provide further information and, if you are new to volunteering, time with Master Plover Monitors or our staff on the beach. Thank you for your consideration, and thanks again to all of our monitors for the 2012 season.

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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