nancy's garden revisited

I love visiting my friend Nancy.  She lives just down the street from me, so when I get a chance, I love to pop on over for a visit.  Her garden always has something new blooming or a new project that is being worked on.  This week, Nancy was baking fresh plum tarts with the delicious purple plums from her tree.  Another yummy treat she makes is passionfruit sorbet, fresh from the vine!   
a plum tree divides the main house from the "gardenhouse"

the side yard, with the "gardenhouse in the distance

succulents thrive in this southern California garden

a bluestone path leads down to the Indian Springs

rose and hydrangea varieties grow happily here

soft lime green addirondack furniture blends into the environment

the stairs leading back to the main level 
lower level of back yard overlooking Indian Springs, below

a hidden oasis

notice the oakleaf hydrangeas

a happy little friend

a fountain is nestled under the plum tree

side yard

Nancy has a nice variety of hydrangeas in all colors

view from street 

an adirondack settee in the front yard

pink and green is a favorite combination

roses and succulents grow in harmony

front of house

for more on Nancy's beautiful home 
visit here,  here and here.

Ciao! Fabiana

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