Old news

Always try to do your own research when it comes to reading your local beaches. 
Relying on old news of cuts or eroded sections of beaches from local detecting bloggers and metal detecting forum posters is just that, old news!
Nine times out of ten, the people reporting a cut or beach erosion have already hammered the site to death. 
The icing on the cake is a posted find that was made when the person first discovered the cut, usually the day or so before they posted a prime beach hunting situation.
Photographs of  beach erosion posted by a bloggers or detecting forum member get passed around and quickly searched by people lurking for such an opening. 
In my opinion,  always rely on your own local beach reconnaissance, its always the best way.
If you want to get serious about finding treasure on a consistent basis,  you have to get to know your own local beaches.
Most importantly, you have to take the time to learn what winds and surf effects your local beaches.
Try checking out beach webcams, and try checking in on your local beaches more regularly, even if you do not have time to metal detect. 
At least you know will get a better feel for the area and who knows maybe you will see something you can act upon a little later.  
If you don't do your own recon and gain beach and water reading skills, you are at the mercy of forum posters and local beach bloggers. 
The people who are out on the beaches hammering places before posting teasing photos of beach cuts, and of course mysteriously not blogging or posting until a day or so after a storm. 
I know I have probably written this before, but the best time to go treasure hunting is anytime.
Other beach and shallow water hunters beach ratings are just that, other peoples beach ratings. 
Discover your own prime beach and shallow water hunting situations, by getting beach savvy and knowing what to expect from high winds, high surf or a combination of both on your local beaches. 
Treasure awaits the person with the keys to unlocking Davy Jones locker,  never wait for someone to show you the door and hand you the keys. 

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