winter ideas for succulents

With winter quickly approaching, succulents 
are  pretty and easy way to brighten up 
your home.  They even make quite a statement 
as a centerpiece or as party favors for your 
next soiree.
Succulents mix especially well with rustic 
elements  and simple candles.  Scour your 
closets and cabinets for little vintage vessels that 
could make unique containers for your succulents.
They are a great way to 
liven up a sunny window sill.  
An unused frame can be fitted with large gauge metal mesh to create a living piece of art.  And don’t fret, these little pets thrive on little water and don’t need a lot of your attention.  The only attention you might get are a few oohs and aahs from your friends!

ciao! Fabiana

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