Flagged Bahamas Piping Plover Found

We are thrilled to report that our friend Joel Stocker found, photographed and submitted this Bahamas flagged Piping Plover on April 18, 2015 at Harkness Memorial State Park's Strand Beach!

The Waterford location is not on our monitoring list this year, as it is being independently cared for by CT DEEP. Nevertheless, there are definitely birds of interest there, as we can see. This pink flag has a "95" on it, and we will let you know what the banding report says.

Please see this notice via Audubon about the birds banded in The Bahamas this winter in PDF form: http://rtpi.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Bahamas-Banded-PIPLs.pdf

Also please see this post on all flagged and banded Piping Plovers so that you can be aware of what we are looking for and where some of these wonderful birds may have come from, plus how you can report them to the proper group. Thank you, and thanks again to Joel!

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