Volunteers Needed This Weekend!

We could use your help this weekend in covering events! We are requesting volunteers for specific help at Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven for the fireworks display on the evening of Friday, July 3, with a rain date of Sunday, July 5. CT DEEP's Rebecca Foster will be on site to coordinate. We would love to have several volunteers join us. Volunteers should aim to be at the Sandy Point parking lot by 6:30. Volunteer roles would be to educate the public and be an extra set of eyes and ears for the police officer who should be enforcing the closure of Sandy Point to protect the birds. AAfCW staff will also be on hand. The area should be cordoned off as it usually is. The event will begin at 9:15. Even if you can only join us until then that would be a terrific help. Please email ctwaterbirds@gmail.com if you can make it.

Please join the Bridgeport WildLife Guards (https://www.facebook.com/BridgeportWildlifeGuards/) and the City of Bridgeport for a Pleasure Beach trail clean-up on Sunday, July 5, from 9am-2pm at Pleasure Beach in Bridgeport! You will be helping to build the first nature trail on Pleasure Beach, allowing thousands of visitors to better enjoy the bountiful wildlife and beautiful plants the unique habitat holds. Many of the species on Pleasure Beach are rare or threatened, including Piping Plovers. Getting to Pleasure Beach is easy with free parking at the water taxi pier, 91 Seaview Avenue, Bridgeport. The water taxi will bring visitors to and from Pleasure Beach, and is also free. Please bring work gloves, sunscreen, a hat, and a water bottle.  For more information or to rsvp, contact Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe (cfolsom-okeefe@audubon.org). Thank you to everyone who can join us at Pleasure Beach for the trail clean-up!

Overall this holiday weekend we could use some extra help monitoring at plover and tern beaches, especially Bluff Point, Milford beaches, Long Beach, Pleasure Beach and Sandy/Morse Points. CT DEEP is particularly interested in chick counts as chick survival during the holiday weekend is problematic given all the beach parties and crowds. Any additional presence on the beach educating people about the birds and getting us information on chick survival would be wonderful.

Thank you so much!

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