AAfCW 2013 Volunteer Update #16

This is the sixteenth weekly update by the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (AAfCW) for the 2013 season. Today's update includes reports of Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Least Tern and Common Tern from July 8 through 4:00 p.m. on July 15 with sightings of birds by volunteers and staff spanning that period.

Informational updates:

This is going to be another week of extreme heat with a dangerously high heat index occurring each day through next weekend. While it is slightly cooler at the shore it is probably best to avoid any monitoring whatsoever except during the very early morning or very late evening for your own safety. Additionally we do still have many birds with eggs or young hatchlings that need constant care in this type of weather, and even we can be a disturbance at a difficult time.

Survey and monitoring updates:

Piping Plover

4 pairs, 2 adults, 3 hatchlings, 9 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/8
2 pairs, 7 adults, 7 fledglings, 1 nest at Griswold Point on 7/8
2 pairs, 4 adults at Bluff Point on 7/8
4 pairs, 1 adult, 12 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/8
2 pairs, 1 adult, 2 hatchlings, 1 nest at Long Beach on 7/8
3 pairs, 2 adults, 5 fledglings, 1 nest at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9  
1 pair, 3 adults, 2 hatchlings, 4 juveniles, 1 nest at Long Beach on 7/9
14 adults at Griswold Point on 7/9
15 adults, 5 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/9
7 pairs, 4 adults, 4 hatchlings, 6 fledglings, 1 nest at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9
1 pair, 1 adult, 2 hatchlings, 1 nest at Long Beach on 7/10
1 pair, 5 adults, 4 hatchlings, 6 juveniles, 1 nest at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
2 pairs, 1 adult, 2 hatchlings, 1 nest at Long Beach on 7/10
2 adults at Harkness Memorial State Park on 7/10
5 adults, 1 fledgling at Bluff Point on 7/10
3 pairs, 2 hatchlings, 3 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
6 pairs, 3 adults, 4 hatchlings, 14 fledglings, 1 nest at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
2 pairs, 1 adult, 2 hatchlings, 1 nest at Long Beach on 7/10
14 adults, 10 fledglings at Griswold Point on 7/11
3 pairs, 12 adults, 3 hatchlings, 15 fledglings, 1 nest at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/11
14 adults, 7 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/11
14 adults, 1 hatchling, 5 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/11
2 adults, 3 hatchlings at Long Beach on 7/12
4 adults, 4 hatchlings at Long Beach on 7/13
6 adults, 4 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/13
2 pairs, 1 adult, 4 hatchlings at Long Beach on 7/14
8 adults, 3 hatchlings, 8 fledglings at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/15

American Oystercatcher
1 pair, 3 fledglings at Governor Island Thimble Islands on 7/8
1 pair at Red Point Rocks Thimble Islands on 7/8
1 adult at East Stooping Bush Island Thimble Islands on 7/8
3 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/8
2 adults at Bluff Point on 7/8
3 pairs, 1 fledgling, 1 nest at Menunketesuck Island on 7/8
5 pairs, 2 fledglings, 1 nest at Duck Island on 7/8
2 pairs, 6 adults, 2 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/8
1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9
1 pair, 1 fledgling at Salt Island on 7/9
5 pairs, 1 fledgling at Menunketesuck Island on 7/9
1 adult at Tuxis Island on 7/9
1 pair, 1 adult at Branford Harbor on 7/9
2 pairs, 2 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/9
1 pair, 2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9
3 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
1 adult at Uncus Point Guilford on 7/10
1 pair at Griswold Point on 7/10
1 pair at Bluff Point on 7/10
3 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
3 pairs, 2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
1 pair at Charles Island on 7/11
3 pairs at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/11
3 pairs, 2 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/11
1 pair, 1 fledgling at Pages Cove on 7/12
1 pair, 1 fledgling at Umbrella Island on 7/12
1 pair at Kelsey Island on 7/12
3 pairs, 2 fledglings at Milford Point on 7/13
2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/15

Least Tern
5 pairs, 11 adults, 2 hatchlings at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/8
40 pairs, 37 adults, 1 hatchling, 40 nests at Griswold Point on 7/8
13 pairs, 8 adults, 3 hatchlings, 11 nests at Bluff Point on 7/8
35 adults at Menunketesuck Island on 7/8
2 pairs, 19 adults at Long Beach on 7/8
6 adults at Russian Beach on 7/8
7 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9
10 adults at Long Beach on 7/9
59 adults, 2 nests at Griswold Point on 7/9
1 adult at Silver Sands State Park on 7/9
161 pairs, 28 adults, 17 hatchlings, 161 nests at Milford Point on 7/9
2 adults at Russian Beach on 7/9
8 pairs, 29 adults, 7 nests at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9
12 adults at Silver Sands State Park on 7/9
4 adults at Stratford Point on 7/9
9 adults at Long Beach on 7/10
9 adults at Long Beach on 7/10
5 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
4 adults at Shell Avenue Milford on 7/10
10 adults at Long Beach on 7/10
27 adults, 9 hatchlings at Harkness Memorial State Park on 7/10
3 pairs, 14 adults, 3 nests at Bluff Point on 7/10
6 pairs, 25 adults, 2 hatchlings, 5 nests at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
1 pair, 7 adults at Long Beach on 7/10
79 adults, 2 hatchlings at Griswold Point on 7/11
1 pair, 12 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/11
7 adults at Stratford Point on 7/12
7 adults at Long Beach on 7/14
2 adults at Long Beach on 7/14
9 adults at Stratford Point on 7/14
12 adults, 2 hatchlings, 2 nests at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/15

Common Tern
1 adult at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/8
21 adults at Griswold Point on 7/8
15 adults at Menunketesuck Island on 7/8
30 adults at Milford Point on 7/8
1 adult at Long Beach on 7/8
1 adult at Long Beach on 7/9
5 adults at Griswold Point on 7/9
21 adults at Milford Point on 7/9
1 adult at Sherwood Island State Park on 7/9
1 pair, 1 adult, 1 nest at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/9
4 adults at Silver Sands State Park on 7/9
1 pair, 2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/10
10 adults at Griswold Point on 7/11
12 adults at Stratford Point on 7/14
2 adults at Sandy/Morse Points on 7/15

This concludes update #16 through 7/15/13 as of 5:00 p.m.

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut. 

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