This coastline is largely built on an old marine terrace, lifted above modern sea level by the chronic uplift of the California coast. The shore is cut into the seaward edge of the terrace, forming a steep 80' bluff that exposes layers of sediment, mainly sandstone. Erosion patterns are cyclical, driven by climate and water levels and variations in the amount of sediment passing by on the beach.
Building along here encroached right to the bluff's edge (see the aerial view), perhaps during a period in the post-war era when erosion rates were low -- but most likely when opportunities in southern California land development were high. High water levels and storms during the 1983 El Nino hammered these bluffs, as have a number of subsequent events. There were numerous places where it was clear the bluff had slid in the past and many more where property owners had installed seawalls of some sort to counter the waves. Most were built almost flush with the steep bluff and many were camouflaged (this is afterall, the land of Disneyland and artificial landscapes) to blend with the tawny sandstone.
In 2012, SANDAG completed the most recent round of nourishment. This is a huge public expenditure, and one with some adverse environmental impacts and much controversy. It benefits the public by rebuilding and maintaining an accessible beach, but the only reason the nourishment is necessary is because of the need to protect these homes. If the bluffs could erode on their own, the beach would do just fine. The result is that private property benefits from a large public investment. I wonder if these folks see themselves as living in subsidized housing?
I'm a big fan of nourishment - in the right place and with adequate forethought to its geologic, ecologic, and economic implications. It's been a great boon to this coastline. But as the rate of sea level rise increases and the beach system gets farther out of equilibrium, the frequency and volume of nourishment will have to increase, along with its price.
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