Stewart B. McKinney NWR in news

Below is a great message from Shaun Roche of USFWS:

I would like to let you know some very exciting news regarding recognition for the refuge. The national TV show CBS Sunday Morning ( will feature footage from the Falkner Island Unit and the Salt Meadow Unit on it's July 13th broadcast. This footage was taken about a week ago by a talented nature videographer Jamie McDonald. Those of you who are familiar with the show will know that each week they air a segment called the "moment of nature." It comes on at the very end, usually between 10:25 and 10:30am EST.

I highly recommend that you try to watch this segment if you can. It will be short, but it has the potential to provide some great recognition for the Stewart B. McKinney NWR across the country.

Please pass this information along and let other interested parties know - thanks!

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