newport harbor home tour - Lido Manor

As you enter this gorgeous bayfront home, you are immediately greeted by the sound of water trickling from this unique fountain.  Named the “Lido Manor”, this home features the interior design work of Melinda Grubbs.  The style is upscale Cape Cod and boasts gorgeous views of Newport Bay in the living room, dining room and kitchen.  One of the highlights of this house is the magnificent floating three story stair case.  My favorite room is the guest room with the fun orange zebra-striped window shades, but the whole house is just amazing!  Guests of the Newport Harbor Home and Garden Tour were privileged enough to get a tour of this house last week.  It has been featured in Luxe Magazine, and now is one of the exclusive homes that have been on the home tour.  Let me know what you think!     

ciao! Fabiana

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