A Minelab CTX 3030 beach and water hunting tip

I frequently receive emails from other CTX 3030 users asking about the FE / CO numbers of platinum and gold rings I recover.
My answer is always the same, I am not sure but, I will test them and get back to you. 
Although the CTX 3030 has awesome visual target IDs, old habits die hard and I still always rely on my ears first to find gold. 
No matter how many times I check the FE / CO numbers of mid and high tones during a beach or water hunt, I still go into full dig mode forgetting to check the numbers when I hear a low tone.
I primarily search tourist beaches for lost jewelry, here is a tip for fellow jewelry hunters using the CTX 3030 on trashy tourist beaches. 
Customize your low and high tones using the Tone ID Profile feature on your CTX 3030.
Lowering the pitch of low conductive metal targets and raising the high conductive targets will train your ears to instinctively know when your search coil has passed over gold or silver. 
I have the settings I use in my new "Advanced CTX 3030 beach and water hunting techniques" book.
Customizing your audio tones to make gold and silver stand out from mid tones will help a jewelry hunter when metal detecting on heavily hunted sites, with competition already searching in the same area. 
Although my CTX 3030 FE / CO numbers are spot on with US quarters, dimes, and pennies, sometimes you get close numbers sounding a little different in the preset Tone ID  Profile settings. 
Gold jewelry may have many different alloys in the gold mix, customizing your low tones will help you avoid missing gold jewelry mixed with unusual alloys. 
In my opinion as a jewelry hunter, it is still better to hunt by ear, especially when you can customize target tones. 

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