Banded American Oystercatchers Stonington

Sandy Point Island in Stonington is having a remarkable occurrence at the moment! Some of our seasonal waterbirds field staff, and more specifically the American Oystercatcher crew, is monitoring the waterbird population on Sandy Point via kayak. AAfCW's Elizabeth Amendola has been watching them vigilantly and she has found several banded birds among the nine - NINE! - nesting pairs present.

Here are a bunch of her photos taken from a considerable distance zooming to 50 times with her camera. I assure you they were not being disturbed in any way.

Elizabeth also notes that two of the pairs are made up of banded birds (3M Yellow and 7N Red, 73 Yellow and EJ Red are pairs). That's incredible! Having nine pairs of American Oystercatchers all with nests is fantastic but to be able to find out the life history of some of these individuals will be tremendous for our research.

Knowledge of where they are now and what these birds are doing will assist the organizations and/or people who initially banded them. We will keep you updated on the background information on these individuals and if they can all successfully hatch young.

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