Prague wins the prize

We're about to depart Prague, the most beautiful, charming, and friendly city we've seen on our travels—which are coming to an end. Here are some shots, all taken with my iPhone 5S:

Prague's best-kept secret is The Golden Well Hotel (U Zlate Studne), located just off the gardens of the Prague Castle. It's one of the nicest places we've ever stayed at, and it has views that are breathtaking. The photo above shows the view from the hotel's restaurant.

You can see the restaurant on the right side of this photo, taken from the castle gardens. The hotel has four floors of rooms, atop which sit two floors of restaurant. There is a door in the restaurant that takes you directly to the castle gardens, and from there a short stroll takes you into the castle proper.

The castle, seen here from the Charles bridge, dominates the city skyline. St. Vitus cathedral, built inside the castle walls, is gorgeous.

After touring the castle, we walked up the hill to the monastery, which offers panoramic views of the city and the river. It was such a nice day that we spent three hours sitting at a cafe admiring the view and sipping some local wine.

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