Griswold Point busy with birds

CT DEEP staff members are exclosing Piping Plover nests all over Connecticut beaches right now with the help of AAfCW field staff members Ewa Holland and Sean Graesser. Piping Plover nests are exclosed to keep predators out once they have the complete clutch of four eggs. A careful process occurs to ensure the parents are not overly disturbed and do not abandon the nest. This is completed by trained and experienced biologists who will remove the exclosure if the parents do not accept it (though this is very rare thankfully!).

Earlier this week Sean took a number of great photos during this work at Griswold Point which has at least seven pairs of Piping Plovers that may nest there this season.

Here's hoping we can get the maximum number of nests at Griswold and that some of the other more quieter beaches thus far can find birds and breeding success. Please remember that if you find a new nest to email and along with us at so that it can be checked as soon as possible and exclosed if and when needed.

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