Bluff Point fencing removal completed

On Thursday, August 29 the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds and CT DEEP completed the string fencing removal at Bluff Point State Park with the help of always wonderful volunteers. Bluff Point has a very long stretch of beach. Even driving to the shore in CT DEEP vehicles means this is a long hike carrying very heavy equipment. This is all what makes it such great habitat for our coastal waterbirds in every season. Once again here are some photos taken by Patrick Comins in between walking and hauling stakes.

 Beautiful Bluff Point

 Quite a stretch of beach - great habitat for Piping Plovers, Least Terns, and more

 Our team beginning the long walk out

A gray day but still quite a sight - note the Piping Plover exclosure on the left

The crew heading back with some of the materials

You never know what you'll find on a Connecticut beach like this Special Concern species Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle, Cicindela hirticollis

That beetle just goes to show how much is out there in these rare or specialized habitats and why we need to protect them on levels even beyond our birds. Thanks to the volunteers who were able to make it out to Bluff Point to help save some walking, carrying and time. We could not do any of this work without you!

Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, Audubon Connecticut and the Connecticut Audubon Society partnering to improve conditions for coastal waterbirds in Connecticut.

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